Our Mission

We meet the expectations of our customers by operating in a safe, efficient, and profitable manner that supports our commitment to a sustainable business.

To ensure safety
To ensure safety
  • Safety is paramount to our operations. At all times, we keep safe our employees, contractors, suppliers, stakeholders, and all who access our lands.
  • We are critical of our practices – we actively and proactively maintain, analyze, and correct.
  • We are dedicated to training, continuous learning, and professional development in every aspect of our work.
To take care of the land
To take care of the land
  • We grow and enhance the value of the timberland estate through the practice of intentional forest stewardship.
  • We do more than just harvest – we farm. We cultivate and grow our trees, respect the ecosystem, and enrich our soils.
  • Our lands and environment are honoured as our home, and we give more than what we take.
To deliver quality
To deliver quality
  • We are committed to delivering product and customer experience of the highest caliber.
  • Our standards for process, performance, and production are high, and we strive to deliver on time and over target.
  • More than just about the physical product, we foster quality in our relationships and interactions with others.
To be responsible citizens
To be responsible citizens
  • Our actions are informed by an unwavering dedication to conscientious corporate citizenship.
  • The stability and sustainability of our business is good for our people and community.
  • We are down-to-earth, connected to our community, and value all of our people and relationships.
To be productive
To be productive
  • We are strongly connected to our operations, and aim for lean processes that maximize output.
  • Our productions are sustainable and use of resources efficient, with raw materials are utilized to their fullest extent.
  • We emphasize knowledge and education, and train support our staff so that they can be successful in their work.
Our Core Values
1 We are consistent and follow through on our word.
2 We seek opportunities to learn and improve.
3 We educate and share what we know.
4 We act with kindness and fairness.
5 We make decisions with community and stakeholders in mind.
Discover how we approach Environmental Stewardship