Where We Come From & How We Got Here

The quality of our timberland holdings is a result of the vision and patience of H.R. MacMillan. Also known for his role as British Columbia’s first Chief Forester. H.R. MacMillan subsequently built one of Canada’s foremost forest products companies, MacMillan Bloedel Limited.

In 1999, MacMillan Bloedel Limited was purchased by Weyerhaeuser Company. Weyerhaeuser – the “Tree Growing Company” – is a highly regarded integrated forest products company with a long history of successful timberland management. In May of 2005, Weyerhaeuser sold all of their BC coastal assets, and Island Timberlands was formed as a result of the purchase of the BC coastal private timberlands. Island Timberlands began operations in June 2005 and is a privately held company based on Vancouver Island.

The Future of Island Timberlands
The Future of Island Timberlands
A long-term perspective is crucial for our company and our industry. We are planning on 200-year horizons, as it takes many decades to realize value from investments. Constant improvement and community impact is always top-of-mind, with a focus on forward-thinking forest management and future-friendly innovations.
Island Timberlands is Dedicated to Sustainable Forest Management
Island Timberlands is Dedicated to Sustainable Forest Management
We are certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Forest Management Standard. We practice safety at every opportunity, and are driven by an established mission and set of core values.
Island Timberlands is Founded
Island Timberlands is Founded
Weyerhauser begins consolidating its core businesses and operations, selling all of its lands in Coastal BC. Island Timberlands is formed through the purchase of these lands. Head office is established in Nanaimo.
Weyerhauser Acquires MacMillian Bloedel
Weyerhauser Acquires MacMillian Bloedel
In June 1999, Weyerhaeuser announced its intention to buy MacMillan Bloedel Limited of Canada for stock valued at about US$2.45 billion. The merger made Weyerhaeuser - which at that time was already the world's largest producer of softwood lumber and market pulp - a leader in packaging as well.
MacMillian Bloedel Purchases Land
MacMillian Bloedel Purchases Land
A Canadian forestry company with headquarters in Vancouver acquires a large portion of the lands originally sold by Dunsmuir. They began concerted logging and milling efforts in the area. Bloedel, Stewart and Welch became the first logging company in the province to plant seedlings in a logged-over area.
Dunsmuir Privately Sells Land
Dunsmuir Privately Sells Land
Over the next 35 years, Dunsmuir began subdividing and selling parcels of the land as fee simple private land to various coal and forestry companies.
Additional Lands Granted
Additional Lands Granted
The E&N Railway Company is granted additional lands.
Additional Railway Extensions
Additional Railway Extensions
The original railway is extended to reach Victoria, Port Alberni, Lake Cowichan, and Courtenay.
1st Section of Railway is Completed
1st Section of Railway is Completed
Made of gold, the last spike of the E&N railway is hammered in by a silver hammer wielded by Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald.
Land Granted & Railway Construction Starts
Land Granted & Railway Construction Starts
The first parcel of land approximately 1,813,654 acres is granted. Construction of the railway has commenced on April 30th.
E&N Land Grant Act is Established
E&N Land Grant Act is Established
Authorizes the grant of certain public lands to the Government of Canada, for the purpose of serving and developing settlements on the Island. Robert & James Dunsmuir of Esquimalt & Nanaimo (E&N) Railway Company are contracted to construct the railway.
Responsible Forest Management Keeps Our Future Bright