Quality assurance is a team effort.

All of our clients have distinct product requirements, and it’s our job to make sure that each and every specificification is met exactly. The expertise of our team members and communication between every single department ensures that we meet the precise needs of our clients. Input from customers goes beyond the final purchases – they are welcomed to view our processes and facilities along the way.

How does the Island Timberlands ensure quality?
Harvesting & Sorting
Harvesting & Sorting

Working groups comprised of representatives from each department are responsible for planning, qualified operators harvest and cut logs, Quality Control Supervisors audit their work, licensed log scalers ensure all necessary requirements are met, and the Log Sales Team ensure customer specifications are accurately communicated to all parties.

Block Planning & Auditing
Block Planning & Auditing

We are creating quality in our product from the very beginning, before the trees have even been grown. Our exhaustive knowledge of our timber and its attributes allows us to plan blocks that will result in optimal logs. Auditing is conducted throughout all phases to ensure operators are following specifications and guidelines.

Measuring & Calculating
Measuring & Calculating

Our customers have very distinct requirements based on a variety of uses, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we are delivering exactly what they need. We sort logs based on the diameter, length, and volume, as well as wood characteristics and properties, such as its aesthetic value and structural integrity. Measurements are done by licensed log scalers to ensure precision and accuracy.

Processing & Manufacturing
Processing & Manufacturing

We consider the wood type, tree species, equipment ability, transportation logistics and customer preferences. Logs are manufactured to tight specifications that match our customers end-use products., and we strive to maximize value, and to minimize waste. Customers are welcome to view our process and facilities along the way to ensure their satisfaction.

Learn about Island Timberlands products